Tag Archives: promises

Whatcha gonna do about it?

12 May

There are days where my Sicilian attitude takes over… 99.9% of the time it’s a good thing. Examples:

Work is stressful. What’s Nora gonna do about it?

She’s going to leave work at work. She’ll work from 8am-5pm, sometimes 7am-6pm, but other than that, she’s leaving it there. She’ll ask Boss (aka Dad) to respect that unless there are times of crises or she needs personal guidance, but otherwise, no work talk post-office hours.

The gym membership isn’t getting its usual workout. What’s Nora gonna do about it?

I am joining forces with a friend starting on Wednesday for a new friend-to-friend program of encouraged healthful eating and increased exercise. My mind is already buzzin’ thinking of new exercise plans, better ways to shop at the grocery store, ideas for snacks and dinners, even those that will work with my crazy food allergies. Quite frankly, I am fed up… return of post-tonsil Nora shall return. I’ve got the bug and it’s going to happen.

In the work-stress and graduate school haze, important things are falling by the wayside. What’s Nora gonna do about it?

I’ve made a list of what needs to be done. Jack to the vet. Nora to the dentist. Three months of photos printed and inserted into albums. A list of phone calls that need to be made. Chopping and dying my hair. Back to doing things for Nora (not exclusively, just most of the time). I’ll tackle things one at at time and get them done, enjoying the fulfillment of checking off each task as I go.

Tired of keeping up false pretenses and putting up with stupidity. What’s Nora gonna do about it?

I’m going to start telling it like it is, in moderation. Why’s Nora hitting the bar scene less? I’ll tell the truth… tired of meeting ridiculous drunk people, smelling like a bar, wasting empty calories. Why’s Nora sleeping in late? She’s freakin’ tired. Why am I not hanging out with so-and-so? Maybe I just don’t like them. Don’t need the drama, the guilt. The reason I do the things I do is because they make me happy. My resolution this year was “cut the shi!t,” and I need to get back to that. It starts now.