Tag Archives: Business and Economy

Ten on Tuesday: The Random Edition

21 Sep


1. What’s the one thing you always do when you’re stressed?
Eat chocolate. Go running. (So counterproductive, eh?) Sometimes I totally shut down and/or get super grumpy.

2. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever done for a friend?
Well not weird, but maybe a little awkward? My best friend’s wedding was in St. Thomas and after the ceremony she was complaining that it felt like something was poking her rear-end. So what did I do? I dove under her skirt, while she bent over a couch in search of whatever was poking her.  Turns out there was a seamstress needle/pin in her dress that was about two inches long. We were just glad she didn’t sit on it. We also laughed (and still do!) about that little scene.

3. What cleaning supply could you not live without?
Ah! There is this new prodcut called “What-ever” that I bought at Whole Foods. It’s locally made. Organic. Reasonably priced. Works on every surface imaginable. I love it.

4. How long do you plan on living where you currently reside?
Until early 2011 at which point I will be moving into a condo/townhome (possibly one that I own, no less!)

5. Do you usually vote straight party, a mixture, or not at all?
I vote every election, even the small ones on the issues/seats that are open. Usually straight party but I’ve been known to mix it up here or there.

6. What’s something that you love to do, but seem to never make time for?
Scrapbooking/photo collaging. The last time I worked on my scrapbook I think the year was 2008? Maybe 2009. I have a stack of photos that need to be put in albums and tons of ideas just begging to be worked on. And sometimes when I’m crazy busy or crazy sad, hang out with friends.

7. What’s your favorite store to buy things for other people?
Tough one. We have a great place that is Fair Trade called Ploughshares and I love it. They have everything imaginable: tablecloths, jewelry, clothes, trinkets, wedding gifts, cards. I also love Target as you can almost always find something for your friends/family there.

8. What’s the weather like around you today?
Hot. Clear. I’d rather be a pool at the moment.

9. What’s the worst book you’ve ever bought and read?
Girls in Trucks. Hands down. I was so excited for it and it was super disappointing.

10. What’s the closest thing to you that is yellow?
mini post-it notes!

What was the worst book that you’ve ever read? I want to be sure to avoid any potential duds in the coming months.

** Also: I’m back to vlogging again, every Wednesday. Tomorrow’s theme is Question Wednesday so any questions you want me to answer in my vlog, leave below & I’ll be sure to do so!**

Lastly, just because this video is adorable with all sorts of cute dogs (not to mention a good song), I thought I’d share it and maybe brighten your day a bit!