Tag Archives: love is in the air

Follow-Up: Valentine’s Day

15 Feb

Reverse Valentine’s Day was a hit. In fact, it was the best Valentine’s Day I’ve had by far.

Here’s the rundown of the day:

10:45 am– hit the gym for a nice total body workout designed to kick our asses as we knew we would be eating junk food and consuming beer periodically throughout the day.

Noon– returned home for showering and pretty-ing up for our double date with Liz and her man.

1pm– Met Liz and her husband at the bowling alley. We were greeted with cosmic bowling atmosphere which includes black lights, fog machines, strobe lights and to top it off, three big screens over the lanes to showcase the music videos. The boys kicked our butts in each of the three games we played but we weren’t discouraged. With each sip of beer our game improved or we just didn’t care that we weren’t as good as the boys.

3:15pm– Headed off to the theater to catch “Friday the 13th.” I never see scary movies in theaters on principle but I figured I could handle it honor of the silly little tradition we have created. I learned two things: never go camping in the woods and if for some reasonĀ I break Rule #1, then under no circumstances should I partake in Rule #2: Take off my top. The girls who are half-naked always die. And they die half-naked.

6pm– Knowing we have time to kill before our lovely reservations at White Castle, we made an impromptu trip to a local pool hall so the boys could play pool and Liz and I could gab over (more) beer. We rocked out to some AC/DC, Bon Jovi, Def Leppard and cheered on TDH and MR. Liz.

7pm– Off to our final destination of the night. White Castle. Upon arrival we were greeted with red/white streamers, large candy heart posters, a reservation table complete with menus (yes, menus!), red tableclothes, carnations and candles and a packed restaurant. The waitresses were cute trying to make sure we had all that we needed for a proper dining experience complete with mints when the check came. The experience is something I can’t quite put into words, but suffice to say it was everything we wanted and more.

Bonus for the day: TDH and MR. Liz got along really well which made me happy meaning hopefully more double dates with Liz and her husband. Made me super happy!

Double Bonus for the day: One of the best date days TDH and I have had since we’ve been together. Couldn’t have asked for a better, more perfect day.

TDH & I at White Castle

TDH & I at White Castle