Tag Archives: things that make me smile

Nora’s Top Ten

30 Sep

Thanks again to everyone who helped make my 26th Birthday a special one. All the facebook notes, tweets, texts and comments brought many smiles to my face!

Nora’s Top Ten Signs Fall is officially here:

1. I want to go garage saling. There is something about waking up at the pre-crack of dawn, putting on my favorite worn-in jeans and sweatshirt and wandering around other people’s yards and garages for a few hours. The hot chocolate in my hands doesn’t hurt either.

2. I make sure my Netflix queue is in good order. I know, it sounds silly but sometimes the rainy days of fall aren’t good for much else than watching all the movies I seem to have missed lately.

3. I love being outside. Yes, I love summer days by the pool but fall evenings are even better. It has something to do with the crisp chill of the air and the sounds of leaves crunching underneath my feet.

4. I have my car windows down and the heater on… at the same time. Inefficient? Maybe but it’s the only way to thoroughly enjoy the ride home.

5. I’m ready for my comfort foods: Taco Soup. Candy Corn. Homemade baked goods. Italian dishes with a fresh spin on them.

6. My brainwaves often drift over to thoughts about Thanksgiving and Christmas which suddenly seem right around the corner.

7. I want to hibernate. When my alarm goes off at 6:25 each morning, well, I’m not a happy camper. The last few days I’ve been hitting snooze at least twice.

8. I can’t wear flip-flops anymore without my feet freezing which also means that slippers and fuzzy socks are my choice evening footwear.

9. Nights snuggling on the couch are preferable to many of the other evening options that may be available to me.

10. I make a stack of books I want to read and quietly challenge myself to finish as many of them as possible. The stack is currently out of control but if I can fit in three to four books between now and Christmas, I’ll be pleased.

I know many of you have posted about what you LOVE about fall, but what is a definite sign for you that fall (or a change in seasons, depending on where you live) has occurred?