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Cloud Twelve

13 Oct


Last Friday at approximately 8pm I finished my final final ever.
Grades are still pending, but I know that I passed the class, no to mention the fact that I am cleared for graduation. 
(Side note: there is no December commencement for fall graduates. I have to wait until May to walk which kind of bums me out.)
Since Friday I’ve been flying high, on cloud nine, sometimes cloud twelve, and really just embracing the fact that I do not have to do homework anymore.

I. Am. Free.
I still don’t quite know what to do with all of my time which I’m ok with. I’m a lovely contradiction of wanting to stay busy but also sit back and relish in this accomplishment.
So for now, I’m taking it slow. Enjoying my nights free from classes. Planning weekend trips, afternoon dates with friends, skype dates, organizing/cleaning my living space, spending more time with Jack, enjoying real life conversations and re-entering the world of the living.
It feels amazing.

I have so many posts swirling around in my head but with all the lovely, amazing, positive things going on in my life I can’t seem to settle down in front of the computer long enough to focus.

I can’t thank all of you enough for being so supportive over the last few years. I am working on a “Thank You!” Giveaway which I hope to have live before the end of the month.

In the meantime, I’m jumping for joy and in celebration!