Tag Archives: ninteno dsi

GiST 41/365

3 Aug

The only thing I don’t like Grace in Small Things Posts is I feel like they are kind of a cop out in a way. Not much of substance here, other than sharing with you the things that I have done/seen/said that made me feel good. Contemplating taking these offline and writing them in a daily journal instead.

1. Allowing my slightly addictive nature to indulge in Weeds, Season One and Two, within the last week. Irish = hooked as well. It’s a 30 minute show written so cleverly that you can’t help but want more.

2. Outdoor patios, strong margaritas, a handsome man (Irish), a new dress, and the best Mexican rice in town on a breezy Saturday evening.

3. Wandering around an old record store, packed floor-to-ceiling with records, 8-tracks, CDs, casettes, DVDs, record players, equipment and more for about an hour Saturday evening with Irish.

4. Finding my favorite Kanye West CD on vinyl… and Irish buying it so we could rock out to it.

5. Ted Drewe’s ice cream made even better when a local firehouse brought their truck and half their crew to get a sweet treat. They were kind enough to let kids climb in the rig (I learned that word from Rescue Me, which Irish and I are pretty sure real fireman either love or hate), get their pictures taken, and put their feet in the boots. A community at it’s best.

6. Nintendo DSi. I’m addicted.

7. Tylenol PM. It was the medicine that finally knocked out my migraine…. and let me sleep in until NOON on Sunday.

8. The gym. I feel at peace when I’m there, working out. Irish is going with me too, which is double the fun since he’ll send me kisses from across the cardio & weight room.

9. Clean clothes. My favorite household chore ever is laundry. I know, I’m a dork. While it stinks we have to go to a laundromat, we can get all of our loads done at the same time + the people watching is pretty fantastic. I will admit I can’t wait until the day when Irish and I have a house and our own laundry room.

10. The realization that I don’t have to go to class tonight.

11. Chatting with Liz. We’ve both been too busy lately to even email so it’s great to have my e/blog/real life buddy back.

12. Deciding to run a few 5ks this fall. And of course buying new running shoes for the endeavor + a pair of cute black Nine West heels because…well, just because.

13. Jack, for being especially cuddly lately.