Tag Archives: The Walt Disney Company

Nora Confessions (XIII)

20 Jan

It’s been awhile since I’ve done the confessions series, so here we go…

* I can’t ever remember how to spell embarrassed: is it one “r” or two? (I know it’s two now but somehow I must commit that to memory.)

* Lately I’ll stay up late reading… and then I sleep in late. I’ve been reading such amazing books that I just can’t put them down, and next thing I know it’s midnight. And then next thing I know my alarm is going off at 6am.

* I cry every single week Parenthood is on. Every. Single. Week.

* So the Oscars are coming up and there are a handful of movies that I’m not sure I can watch… Social Network, Black Swan. This may be the first year I haven’t seen all the movies that will be nominated for best picture!

* I forgot to include a super embarrassing moment in yesterday’s post. Picture this: Me, on Space Mountain in Disney, wearing a jean skirt. When the bar that holds you in came up, it ripped my skirt all the way up to the button. I had to ride Space Mountain with my lacy underwear showing, freaking out because my parents would know/see it when I got off the ride (I was in college, my college boyfriend was with us). I had to wrap a shirt around my waist until I could find a suitable pair of shorts to buy at Disney for like $50 bucks. They said “CHEER!” on the butt which was so not me. I. was. mortified.

* I love my digital camera but I’m the worst about printing pictures, putting them in photo albums or sharing them with friends and family (or cleaning off my memory card. I have about 1200 pictures on it. I should probably get to that).

 * I part my hair on the left to hide my gray hairs.

What are some of your confessions this week?